Personal file of an employee


Personal file of an employee

Figure 1 Personal file

What is a personal file?

A file containing duplicates of records kept by an individual for ease of reference. This file is a unique file containing records pertaining to a worker's previous employment, performance on the job, and other private data. It is also named as an employee personnel file.

The human resources department normally keeps track of employee personnel files, which are used to record important details and monitor the progress of the worker. Decisions about promotions, pay raises, and other employment-related issues can be made using the information in personnel files, it should be maintained accurately and up to date. (Vreede, 2024), (Peters, 2024), (indeed, 2023)


What should be included in a personnel file?

Figure 2: Confidential


1.    1Personal Information/ basic employee information: Name, Address, Phone number, and
    Emergency contact details

2.   2. Employment history

3.   3. Tax withholding details

4.   4. Performance evaluations and feedback

5.   5. Payroll and compensation data

6.   6. Contracts or agreement details

7.  7. Employee benefits details such as medical enrollment forms and beneficiary agreements,
    retirement forms

8.  8. Training and professional development records

9.  9. Child support documents, including any legal or litigation documents

11 10. Termination documents

11 11. Disciplinary actions

11 12. Other relevant documentations (Vreede, 2024), (Symonds, 2024)

Figure 3: Evaluation form

Documents not to be included in the personal file

Figure 4: Not to include in the personal file

1.          1.  Private employee data, such as bank account details, social security numbers, or
        immigration documents

2.      2. Monthly attendance transaction documents

3.      3. Anything related to worker eligibility

4.      4. Records related to the resolution of the grievance, complaint, or allegation

5.      5. Documents pertaining to an ongoing employee investigation

6.      6. Background checks where relevant.

7.      7. Pre-employment records

8.      8. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) records

9.      9. Private documents that are protected by the health insurance portability and
        accountability Act

1      10. Any other medical records, such as doctor’s notes, medical information, or
         correspondence related to any medical condition of the employee or the employee's   

11    11. Supervisor's working files

11    12. Marginal notes on documents that reflect opinions or judgments that are not supported 
         by fact or documentation

1      13. Court orders such as notices of garnishment or restraining orders 
         (Symonds, 2024) (culture, 2024)


Considering all, keeping an employee personnel file up to date is essential to handling their records and paperwork.



culture, B. p. &., 2024. Berkeley people & culture. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2024].

indeed, 2023. indeed. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2024].

Peters, P., 2024. Betterteam. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2024].

Symonds, C., 2024. factorial. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2024].

Vreede, C., 2024. Shiftbase. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2024].



  1. This article effectively recaps the importance of maintaining accurate personnel files, rounding out the informative piece. this is a helpful and detailed resource providing important information about personal files within a human resources context.

  2. It’s a foundational practice that helps in safeguarding both the employee’s and the organization’s interests

  3. Nice article with the detail of why a company need to have a personal files to their employees and what are the information need to be included there.

  4. A personal file for an employee is a comprehensive record of their employment journey, encompassing documents like resumes, performance evaluations, training records, and disciplinary actions. It serves as a valuable resource for HR management and ensures compliance with regulations.

  5. Very important rare selection of Topic

  6. Very unique topic and you have described well how important is a personal file should be in an organization and what are the information should be there.

  7. Maintaining personal file is very important to HRM.These records keep track of everything from pre- employment interviews forms to health records coworker complaints

  8. It is vital for personal files to be maintained with the most accurate information is collected, collated and updated on a regular basis. as organisations can make calculated decisions based on the available Data. Your writing on this a very informative and important.


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